Food Styling Class in Singapore

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Food styling and photography in another country is quite an adventure, and  I got to do just that this past May in Singapore.  What a beautiful country!  I love going to markets in a foreign country because there are so many different ways of packaging things.  So many things seem familiar, but are just not the same.  This trip was a very quick 2 day class for people from all over Asia.  Denise Vivaldo of Food Fanatics in Los Angeles, and writer of the Food Stylist Handbook, was the teacher of the class.  I was there to teach a small portion on food photography so that students understood how the 2 work together.  It was a wonderful experience for me and  I learned so much from the students. We started out grocery shopping for items to show them how food styling works for a shoot here in the states.  The first day was a series of demo’s with Denise showing the students various ways, and under different scenario’s  food styling is used. The second day we allowed the students to work on photos for their portfolio which brought with it challenges.  In the States, our chickens usually come with the heads and feet off, but not in Singapore.  So it was a bit of a surprise when it was opened up for the demo.  We used real food in various states of being cooked since most food styling now a days is real food that is not fully cooked.  This chicken was barely cooked, but I think it turned out to be quite a beautiful presentation.  Would love to know your thoughts on food styling and if you would be interested in a class taught locally this fall in the Phoenix area. Please enjoy the pictures from the class.  The first couple pictures are Denise’s styling work and my photography with student styling work towards the end of the series.   Heather  

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